Alava is making headway in its positioning as a leading cross-border logistics hub on the trans European transport network.

The first phase of the Intermodal Logistics Platform of Vitoria-Gasteiz is under completion, namely the transformation and adaptation of the existing terminal, requiring an investment of €37 million and which will become operative in the first quarter of 2025. The platform in Vitoria-Gasteiz will be the first logistics terminal in Spain to be connected to the Atlantic Corridor and Europe by rail in standard gauge. The implementation of mixed gauge (a third rail) will enable it to handle both standard and Iberian gauge trains. Moreover, it will be set up to receive standard gauge trains at either end of the terminal.

The second phase will see the construction of the facilities for the rail motorway connecting Vitoria-Gasteiz and Northern France, in Víllodas, next to the current terminal. 

The installation will have four tracks—two in Iberian gauge and two in mixed gauge—for the reception and dispatch of 740-metrelong trains. Later, the four tracks will be converted to mixed gauge and, depending on demand, these will be expanded to a total of six. In addition, there will be new access points from the A-4302. The terminal will have an initial operational capacity of an average of six trains per day, and up to 80,000 semi-trailers per year, which may later be increased to 12 trains per day and up to 150,000 semi-trailers per year.

The development of this important infrastructure significantly strengthens Álava’s appeal as a strategic logistics enclave along the trans-European transport network on the peninsula, and as the starting point for the transit and processing of goods on the transnational segment connecting Vitoria – San Sebastian – Bayonne – Bordeaux.