
The highest class vehicle produced in Spain is manufactured by Mercedes-Benz in Alava.

BTI Biotechnology

The Álava-based multinational BTI Biotechnology Institute—led by Dr. Eduardo Anitua, the most important Spanish scientist in the field of dentistry—is the biotechnology company to have had highest scientific production in Spain for the last 8 years.

CIC energiGUNE

Michel Armand, member of the EnergiGune CIC at the Álava Technology Park, is the most important scientist in Spain in the field of energy, and the 7th most important in the world.


The high-speed trains on the Mecca-Medina line in Saudi Arabia, built by Talgo in Álava, are considered one of the greatest technological feats in the history of railroads, capable of running at more than 300 km/h with maximum comfort in one of the most hostile environments on the planet.

AJL Ophthalmic

AJL Ophthalmic AJL Ophthalmic Many of the intraocular lenses worn by dogs in New York are developed here in Álava by AJL Opthalmic.


Ramondin Ramondin One in every two tin capsules for wine bottles manufactured in the world is made by the Álava-based multinational Ramondin. 

Naipes Fournier

Fournier playing cards Fournier playing cards Fournier playing cards—a factory founded in Vitoria in 1870—are world renowned and highly valued in the best casinos on the planet.

Vitoria Airport

Vitoria International Airport beats its all-time record for freight volume.

Intermodal Logistics platform

The new Intermodal Logistics Platform of Vitoria will be the first Spanish logistics terminal connected to the Atlantic Corridor in standard gauge.