At the forefront of research in traumatology, the UCA is a world reference in biological therapy.
Dr. Mikel Sanchez, following his time in the public health service, decided to set up the Arthroscopic Surgery Unit (UCA), of which he is medical and scientific director. For three decades, it has managed to position itself at the forefront of research and treatment for pathologies of the Locomotor System, Traumatology, Orthopedic Surgery and Arthroscopic Surgery, as well as regenerative techniques and therapies. Dr. Mikel Sanchez’s international prestige of has earned him the trust of some of the world’s top elite athletes for the treatment of knee injuries. Furthermore, the pediatric unit of the UCA is a benchmark in pharmacological research for achondroplasia, leading all the clinical trials carried out by pharmaceutical companies worldwide with an experimental drug to treat and improve the quality of life of children who have this form of dwarfism.